January 2021

January 2021
A Fresh Start for 2021

It has been a challenging year for many and we’re all looking forward to better days in 2021. We hope that the holidays have been kind to you and your family.

2020 saw many changes to the way we operated. Our adult learning classes adapted to the conditions with small classes, remote learning options and a renewed focus on learner health and well-being.

The Community Rider operated throughout all points of the pandemic, with heightened cleaning measures and limits on passengers based on public health guidelines. From grocery shopping to transporting essential workers to medical appointments and more, we helped keep our communities accessible and connected during these long months.

Of all our services, the Elmsdale Community Garden saw some of the greatest changes. From safely spaced line ups at pop up markets to take-out style community meals, we’ve found new ways to provide access to food.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us stay active in our community this past year! Donors, learners, passengers, volunteers, staff and supporters have kept us inspired and flexible throughout COVID-19. We know that with so many amazing people behind our organization, the year ahead will be even better.

Happy New Year from all of us at:
East Hants Community Learning Association
East Hants & Area Community Rider
Elmsdale Community Garden

More Community Meals
are on the way

We have been so pleased with the turnouts at our take-out and delivery lunches served out of the Elmsdale Legion. It’s wonderful to see so many in the community reaching out, taking part and spreading the word.

You can expect more of these meals in the year ahead. We create our meals from food we receive from FoodRescue.ca, so we can’t plan too far in advance as to what we are serving. However, we will let you know as soon as possible through the Elmsdale Community Garden Facebook page.

We hope you have enjoyed lots of delicious food over the holidays. Thank you so much for the many donations towards this program – we can’t wait to cook for you again soon.

To find out more about the Elmsdale Community Garden and our programs, check out our website.

Adult Learning Classes Return January 4th
Our adult learning classes have been an important resource for many in navigating COVID-19. For many of our learners, it is a source of support during these strange times.

For 2021, we would love to add a few new faces to our regular learners. Here are a few of the classes we offer:

  • GED preparation
  • Tutoring in literacy, math and essential skills
  • Technology classes for computer, cell phone and more
  • How to navigate the internet
  • Exam proctoring
  • Workshops and training sessions
Have an idea for a class for the community? Our instructors are there to make learning accessible to everyone. 
For more information or to book an assessment:
e-mail: jean@easthantslearning.com or pgitom@easthantslearning.com
phone: 902-883-1608
Medical Transportation Program
Transportation can be just as expensive as treatment in our medical system. We at the Community Rider try to keep costs as affordable as possible, but even then, it can be difficult to cover the costs, especially with monthly or weekly treatments.

Thanks to a generous donation, we are now able to subsidize or cover the costs of transportation for medical services for those that identify a financial need. This subsidy will be available until the donation has been used up.

To help extend the life of the subsidy, we encourage passengers to apply for other programs that subsidize travel, as well as pay a small amount per trip if possible. Every dollar counts to help those in need to be able to access the medical services they need.

If you know someone that struggles to find transportation to medical appointments, please get in touch:
e-mail: dispatch@communityrider.com
phone: 902-883-4716

4th Annual Trivia Night Fundraiser
Wed. Jan. 27th, 6:30-8:30 PM
A date has been announced for trivia night with the East Hants & Districts Chamber of CommerceWednesday, January 27th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. East Hants Community Learning Association has booked our spot – have you? It’s a fun night of trivia and supports local food banks in East Hants.

Whether you’re a trivia buff or simply like to gather with your community, sign up and join in the fun. You can also donate an item to the online silent auction.

For more information, please contact Tracy at:
e-mail: info@ehcc.ca
phone: 902-883-1010

A Bit of Trivia
Last month’s question:

What two factors are required for the formation of potholes?

According to the US Army Corps or Engineers, the two factors required for potholes are water and traffic. The water weakens the soil underneath the pavement and the traffic applies pressure to the pavement, causing it to break.

With plenty of both on our roads this winter, keep your eyes out for potholes and report them when you see them on the 100-series highways: TPWPAFF@novascotia.ca

This month’s question:

What was the name of the first person to receive
the COVID-19 vaccine in Nova Scotia?

Check out the newsletter next month for the answer.

Thank you for reading. See you next month!

Phil Laven
Communications Manager
East Hants & Area Community Rider
(902) 883-1608