July 2020

July 2020
2020 has been a year of many firsts and we just had another on Friday, June 26th – our first-ever virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM)! Our Board of Directors set up in a meeting room with lots of space in between, we turned on the cameras and welcomed the community over Zoom to our AGM.Attendees were able to listen to remarks from Tanya Burke, our Executive Director, dive into the details of our financial summary and celebrate the exceptional year of growth we had.

In case you missed it, we have an excellent summary ready for you – our 2019-2020 Annual Report. This is available on our website – click on the link and check it out when you have a chance!

We’re so grateful to our community for all its support over the past year and looking forward to seeing you again now that restrictions are loosening. East Hants & Area Community Rider and the Elmsdale Community Garden will be operating all summer long!

Interested in learning more? Please get in touch:

call (902) 883-1608
e-mail director@easthantslearning.com

Hi everyone, my name’s Emily and I’m the new student Program Assistant! This September I’ll be going into my second year at StFX where I’m studying climate and environment.

A little bit about me is that I love being outside and exploring new places. I especially enjoy going on hikes to waterfalls and I can’t stay away from a good lookoff. Playing soccer is another one of my favourite things to do, and I always find time to watch my favourite team Liverpool in the Premier League.

I’m really looking forward to meeting new people in the community this summer, so I hope to see you around!

Emily MacLean
Summer Student
Elmsdale Community Garden

Ride with the Community Rider this summer!
Summer is here and the Community Rider is here to help you and your bubble get to your summer destinations. All of our vehicles are sanitized after each passenger, so you can rest easy and enjoy an outing with friends and family.From beaches to parks to your favourite campsite, we are here to give access to transportation to anyone who needs it in East Hants, as well as rural HRM communities between Enfield and Waverley. We’re also available for more regular outings – whether it’s work, sports, kids, or social.

We are a pre-booked service, which means we have to be booked at least 24 hours in advance. Take some time, give us a call at 902-883-4716 and learn how we can help you see more of Nova Scotia this summer!

Please get in touch:
call (902) 883-4716
e-mail dispatch@communityrider.com

Join us in the Garden!The Elmsdale Community Garden is springing forth and will soon be ready to harvest! Keep an eye on the whiteboard on the garden shed for information about what is ready to harvest. Pop up markets will be starting up soon – we will announce them on Facebook when we have set dates.

Looking for a fresh meal to tide you over while you wait for the garden to be ready? Our Community Freezer is regularly stocked with wholesome meals ready for the taking. While our building is closed, you can pick up a meal from the freezer by appointment.

Give us a call at 902-883-4716 and we’ll meet you at the door of our building, the old Elmsdale School, 224 Highway 214. Just let us know how many meals you need and how many you will feed. Here’s what is currently available:

  • Minestrone Soup
  • Carrot Puree
  • Pancakes
  • Shepherd’s Pie
  • Pork Vegetable Soup
  • Chuck Wagon Chili
  • Vegetable Soup
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more information on pop up markets and summer activities. Drop by and say hello!
Get in touch for more information about the garden:

call (902) 883-4716
e-mail elmsdalecommunitygarden@gmail.com

Lifetime Corporate Member
East Hants Community Learning Association is lucky to have some amazing supporters in the community. One of these supporters is Beth McNeill, co-owner of McNeill’s Shell in Elmsdale, NS.For many years, Beth has served on EHCLA’s Board of Directors. This group of volunteers help us govern and steer our organization towards the learning and program needs of our community. Beth also supports EHCLA as a corporate member. Corporate members contribute $50/year and in return, EHCLA recognizes them in our annual report, once a year in the Laker, and through our newsletter.

We are sad to say that Beth will be moving on from our board, but we want to recognize her for the many years of dedicated support she has provided to our organization. For this reason, Beth McNeill will be awarded a lifetime corporate membership. Thank you for always being there for us, Beth!

Interested in learning more about corporate membership?

call (902) 883-4716
e-mail dispatch@communityrider.com

A Bit of Trivia
Last month’s question:
Which alliterative Canadian city is named after a science fiction character?
Answer: Flin Flon, Manitoba has a rather curious mascot. Josiah Flintabbatey Flonatin (or “Flinty” as he’s known locally) is the lead character from J. E. Preston Muddock’s novel, The Sunless City. He travelled through a bottomless lake in a submarine to discover a mysterious underground world. A curious tale from all the way back in 1905.

This month’s question:

What percentage of the world’s supply of maple syrup is made in Canada?
Check out the newsletter next month for the answer!

Thank you for reading. See you next month!

Phil Laven
Communications Manager
East Hants & Area Community Rider
(902) 883-1608