June 2023

June 2023
Family Picnic and AGM This Week!

Just a quick update. Due to the rains last week, our Family Picnic has been re-scheduled for Thursday, June 15th from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. It will be happening behind our office, 224 Highway 214 in Elmsdale. There will be free food, books, family fun and planting day for the Elmsdale Community Garden. Everyone is welcome – we hope you will join us.

But don’t go too far. The very next day, Friday, June 16th at the Elmsdale Legion (850 Highway 2 in Elmsdale) is our Annual General Meeting. It starts at 11 a.m. for networking, followed by lunch and the meeting begins at 12 p.m. The AGM is a great chance to learn more about our services and to meet our team. Please contact Phil (communications@communityrider.com) by Tuesday at 3 p.m. so we have enough lunch for everyone.

Interested in learning more about EHCLA’s programs and services? Visit us online:
website: www.easthantslearning.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EastHantsCommunityLearningandRider
Thank you for reading. See you next month!

Phil Laven
Communications Manager
East Hants Community Rider
(902) 883-1608