March 2021

March 2021
Stay Safe Through
All Kinds of Storms

The last month has brought us all kinds of storms. From snow, ice and rain to a recent increase in COVID-19 numbers, there have been plenty of reasons to hunker down and stay safe. However, it’s important to keep a positive frame of mind throughout these challenges.

Our outlook at East Hants Community Learning is to make the most of any opportunity. This is what has kept us running throughout the pandemic. We have been finding new ways of operating to stay active throughout. Whether it’s feeding our community, driving passengers in their bubbles, or keeping class sizes small, we have adjusted to our environment.

For anyone feeling downtrodden or angry about our circumstances, we hear you. There’s no shortage of sadness that has resulted from the past year. But despite all the difficulties, we’ve made it this far.

Take a moment today and think about something that makes you happy. It could be a loved one, a hobby, a song or a memory. Savor that feeling, share it with others and we can all find something to smile about, at least for a moment.

I’ll be thinking of chai tea. Nothing that a hot cuppa can’t fix. 

Be well and reach out if we can help:
phone: 902-883-1608

FREE Spaghetti Take Out Lunch

We’ve been getting wonderful feedback about our free lunches at the Elmsdale Legion. Our next meal will be a FREE Spaghetti lunch on Wednesday, March 10th from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. These meals are open to everyone and are there to reduce barriers to fresh and healthy food in our community. If you or someone you know could use a pick-me-up, mark it down on your calendar.

Take out or delivery options are available. Take out is first come, first serve, drive-thru style in front of the legion. Delivery is booked at least one day in advance through the East Hants & Area Community Rider: call 902-883-4716 to book your delivery. We recommend you use the drive-thru if you can – this allows us to get lunch to those that need it most more quickly.

We’ve been lucky to have a range of donors and funders for these meals. Thank you to:

However, our greatest supporter has been our community. The numbers of people coming out have been phenomenal. We’re also blown away by the generosity of donors. These donations will help us keep meals like this going after our funding has run out. Thanks for inspiring us to keep making meals and feeding those who need it most.To find out more about the Elmsdale Community Garden and our programs, check out our website.

Senior Transportation Program – Runs until March 31st

We’ve already had great uptake on our Senior Transportation Program. Funding for this program is only available until March 31st, so make sure to book a ride before then and try out our service.

It is important to use our service while it is subsidized, as it shows our funders the impact that a reduction in cost can have on ridership. We want our service to be as affordable as possible and numbers speak louder than words.

After March 31st, our rates for those ages 55 or older will return to our standard rates of 70 cents per kilometer. Thanks so much to the Hants County Senior Safety Association for making this program possible!

The rates for the subsidy are as follows:


Cost per person

Corridor Area (Milford to Enfield)


Nearby Communities
(Nine Mile River, Dutch Settlement,
Shubenacadie, Oakfield)


All Other Parts of Service Area
(Hants North, Indian Brook, Lakelands, Mount Uniacke, Wellington,
Fall River, Waverley)


Rides between regions will be charged up to $10 at the discretion of the dispatcher.

For more information or to book a ride:
phone: 902-883-4716

Medical Transportation Program
Transportation can be just as expensive as treatment in our medical system. We at the Community Rider try to keep costs as affordable as possible, but even then, it can be difficult to cover the costs, especially with monthly or weekly treatments.

Thanks to a generous donation, we are now able to subsidize or cover the costs of transportation for medical services for those that identify a financial need. This subsidy will be available until the donation has been used up.

To help extend the life of the subsidy, we encourage passengers to apply for other programs that subsidize travel, as well as pay a small amount per trip if possible. Every dollar counts to help those in need to be able to access the medical services they need.

If you know someone that struggles to find transportation to medical appointments, please get in touch:
phone: 902-883-4716

Spring Break Activities for the Kids
The Elmsdale Library has some fun programming for kids planned over March Break. From arts to stories to science to escape rooms, they’ve got a great list of activities planned.

Looking for more activities over the break? Getting out into nature is always a good idea! Dress accordingly and make it a regular part of your family’s routine. Another great family activity is group listening. Whether an audiobook or a podcast, there are plenty of options. You could explore our world with the Armchair Explorer or learn about how brands and businesses connect to people in Under the Influence with Terry O’Reilly.

Registration for the library’s activities opens on March 1st.
Make sure to book your space:
phone: 902-895-1625
Job Opportunities and More!
Between the pandemic and changes in our world, many of us have experienced a big shift in our personal and professional lives. However, there are still opportunities out there, and the Municipality has just put out a call for several different positions. If you or someone you know is looking for work, you may wish to apply:

Some of the job postings include:

  • Lifeguard
  • Seasonal Labourer
  • Interpretive Guides at local parks and tourism sites
  • Recreation Program Leader and Staff
Best of luck in your applications!
If you have questions or need assistance in the application process, please contact the Municipality:
phone: 902-883-6203
Trivia and Something New
Last month’s question:

What is the middle name of the new President of the United States?

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is the 47th President of the United States. He got his middle name from his grandmother’s maiden name. Allegedly, the Robinettes immigrated from France with the Marquis de La Fayette. If you’re looking for a challenge, try to remember the Marquis’ full name: Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette. No wonder folks down south just call him “Lafayette.”


Instead of another point of trivia, I feel like sharing a resource that has offered me many hours of enjoyment over the years. Jetpunk is an online quiz website. It’s great for trivia and a sound way to improve your knowledge of the world.

For a challenge, I encourage you to try the Countries of the World Quiz. It took me many tries, but I can now reliably remember
all 196 of the countries listed.

Let me know what you think of this recommendation. I’m always looking for new ways to make this newsletter engaging and
a resource for the community.

Thank you for reading. See you next month!

Phil Laven
Communications Manager
East Hants & Area Community Rider
(902) 883-1608