Resources for New Staff and Volunteers

Welcome to the Team!

Thank you for joining our organization – we are a small but mighty organization and value the skills that each person brings to the table.

Please ask any questions you might have. While it’s a busy space, we want you to feel empowered and aware of all the projects that we have on the go. That being said, here are a few suggestions to help you get started:

  • Our organization is built around an attitude of cooperation – if you have time to help someone else, please do! We accomplish great things when we work together.
  • Mornings tend to be the busiest time of the day. Allow others to get settled in when they come in unless it’s urgent.
  • If someone is on the phone, in a meeting or has their door closed, please respect their need for space and consider saving questions for later or sending an email.
  • The table and couch in room 101 is our communal break space. Please join us during your break, but be mindful of noise, as this is a workspace as well.
  • The whiteboard in room 101 is there for ideas and suggestions. If you have a thought about a program, training or information that would benefit others working here, add it to the board!

Below are buttons with a variety of information to get you started. Please have a look and let us know if you have additional questions: